Back in 1989 the first events occured that eventually lead to THUD! as it's know these days. We (Pier from tha Stone and Arie Renders) thought it would be fun to start drawing our own comics. Being heavily influenced by superhero comics like Spider-Man and Batman we started this enormous epic, starring every superhero we found cool enough to make an apearance. We usually grew tired of the stories as soon as more interesting ideas popped up and started a new story while only halfway finished with the previous tale. Realising we might have set the standard a bit high by wanting to draw 30+ page stories, we finially came up with a 18 page story starring Spider-Man. And in 1991 we actually finished it, taking turns drawing every 2 pages. By that time Pier was also toying with the idea of a story about the Flash. He wanted to publish that story in a magazine under the name THUD!, but since the Spider-Man story was already finished we decided to use that for the first issue of THUD!
Over the years THUD! became a well settled name in our highschool. We were known as 'those guys from THUD!' and had a small but loyal following among friends and family. As we soon found out our story-telling abilities weren't all that. Lines like "great artwork guys, but ehhmm this story.... I don't get it!!" we're heard all too often. Enter: the talented mr Reus! Chris helped us out plotting and writng decent stories with a beginning, middle and ending that made sense (well, kinda!). In the years following, Klaas Kaptijn and Eric from tha Stone also contributed their written talent, as we drifted more and more towards issues of THUD! starring mainly our own characters. In the art department we couldn't handle things with just the two of us anymore. Luckely our high school was filled with artists eager to see their work published in THUD! Daniel White came aboard very early on, and has stayed with us till today. Other friends that contributed to THUD! over the years are Michel van de Heuvel, Victor Zuijlen and Max van Wingaarden.
After THUD! #8 we have put everything on the low burner. We left high school and settled in different cities, starting our college years and working career. THUD! #9 and THUD! #10 were on their way but didn't make it to a finish. On this website we will publish all our published and non-published material so our fans can relive their THUD! experience.
Arie & Pier